Minggu, 09 September 2012

Unforgetable moment

Haflah moment(taking certificate)
Holiday moment in Hanuem's home

Open fasting moment

before going to South Korea

oh no..! Hungry... we want open fasting soon

my best friends

Puisi kontemporer


Hati rasanya sudah menolak
rasanya aq tak punya ruang lagi
semuanya membuat ku muak
ini sudah berkali-kali..!

Biarkan aku pergi
ingin ku singkirkan semua
dia.! dia.! atau dia.!
tahu tidak sih.!!
aku sama, aku pumya hak yang sama
bukan cuma mereka

Pengorbanan, rasanya kata itu sia-sia
tak ada artinya
mereka menginjak-injak ku
tolong, anggap aku ini ada
aku sama seperti mereka

by: Nikki Leres M.(resti)

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

English Task

My Good &Bad Experience

                I don’t know what is my bad experience in Al-Nahdlah. But, I think
it’slittle thing. Maybe, I have many bad experience when I still new
student here. I feel so difficult adaptation to new environment. I
ever get angry from departemant of language, because I don’t use
foreign language.
                When I still in home, I can take a bath every time I want. But, when
I enter to Al-Nahdlah, I know that life in pesantren and home are
different. All of student or santri take a line everyday. Not only
take a bath, in the other activity we take a line too. Like as eating,
taking wudhu, washing cloth,etc. iam so borred about that.
                And the bad culture which crazy is ghosob. Ghosob the meaning is bad
activity that use someone’s thing(like as book,shoes,pail,etc) without
permission. Oh my god, why do they keep that culture?. Do you know,
start from uniform, hanger, soap, detergent, toothpaste,veil, slipper,
socks,etc ever taken by someone who ghosob. Is that bad?. I think the
answer is yes. That’s very bad experience.
                But, friends….! I think, if you cook some food without ingredient I
believe that the taste will not good. Pesantren too. Without ghosob,
take a line everyday,etc my experience will usuall.
                Al-Nahdlah Islamic Boarding School is a good school for me. I think,
this school always give me good experience. I feel that I have moved
180% because of Al-Nahdlah. Before I choose this school, Iam so
naughty, I have bad emotion, lazy, seldom stand sunnah pray (like as
dhuha, tahajud, witir,etc). But, after I school in here I to be a
better. The full religion environment make me enjoy this life. That
the life must balance between religion and sains. And I get that in my
lovely school, Al-Nahdlah.
                I never go to the famous place in Jakarta. But, I know how is Gelora
Bung Karno stadioun, Monas, Planetarium, etc.
                Iam so happy when there is native speaker. I meet the different
people from the other country. So, I get wonderful experience because
of that. Beside that, I also ever get a present or prize from
Australian who come to my school. He give me traditional art pen of
Australia. I just answer his question and I get it. That is

Unforgetable Moment
                Unforgetable moment is  the of  part wonderful, amazing, and nice
moment . the most unforgetable moment is when my school choose me to
be participant for Asia-Pasific Youth Water Forum in Suwon City, South
Korea. Oh my god, I don’t believe it.! Its’s like a dream. Many
teenegers who like Korean boy or girl band want go there. Emmbb…
thanks god..! Since 3 years ago, exactly when I still in the second of
junior high school. I was very love Korean film. Like as the great
queen seondeok, boys before flowers, bread love and dream, jumong
legacy, dongyi the jewel in the crown, dream high,etc. and when I in
korea, I go to the Hwaseong palace with all of participant from
Asia-Pasific. That palace is the shooting location of Dae Jaeng Geum
film. The palace is so nice. We can learn new knowledge from that.
                Not only go to Hwaseong palace, I also  wear Hanbok. Hanbok is
traditional cloth of korea. Iam so happy at that moment. After that
that, all of participant learn traditional culture of korea. There was
tea ceremony. The tea still fresh from flowers. I don’t know what is
the flowers.?. but, I enjoy the taste. And you must know that the tea
is without sugar. So, I think that so healty.
                There, I can taste the Korean cake. That cake from soy bean. But, I
think the taste is so strange.

Ramadhan And Lebaran Moment
   If I say Ramadhan, You will directly remember about fasting. When I
still child, Iam so affraid to fasting. because, I can't eat, and
drink. my grandmother always teach me about fasting. so, I will get
angry if I did't fasting.
   Many activities which I do in Ramadhan moment. My Ramadhan moment
devide into two part. that is boarding moment (from 1st-15th
Ramadhan), and home moment (16th-29th).The Ramadhan activity from  get
up until sleep are different with usual days. after get up, I take a
sahur (eat/breakfast). and than tahajud pray. when Iam so sleepy, I
sleep again..hehe. and also don't forget subuh pray together in the
mosque. if in home, I just reading Holly Qur'an, or watching
television, or helping my grandmother to prepare for open fasting, or
learning anciant book(kitab kuning) to mosque.
   My favorite activity in home is helping my grandmother to cook.
usually, I help to make Kolak(fruit soup with coconut sause). I think
kolak is very familiar in Indonesia. If you Visit to Gresik, You can
taste my kolak. hihi (promotion.com).
   And the day which great is come. yups, that's Lebaran celebration.
All of muslim in the word wait that great day. after we are fasting a
month, it's closed by Lebaran. I my tradision(culture), the first day
is say sorry to my parrent, grandma and grandpa, my neighbour, and all
of muslim which near from my home. the second, I go to my friends
home, and than go to my junior and senior high school teachers. the
tirth day, I go to recreation with my Mts friends. this year, we go to
tuban city. we visited to mosque under world, the great mosque of
tuban, sunan Bonang grave, Bom beach,and swimming pool.
   Guys, in Ramadhan & Lebaran moment I look that my friend who does't
from pesantren has bad attitude. so, we are who from pesantren must
say thanks to Allah. you are lucky if from pesantren.

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

Amazing picture

Heello everybody , I will share to you about my amazing pictures when there . I will not forget my sweet moment with my 9 team.

Eunji( teacher )
Hyeongyu (teacher)
Meong ji,Kim ji Soo , Kim ji whan , kim han soo , hyun yoon  , lee ryun kyung , lee sun jae , jung hoon , vira , damba , genta , and me are good team.

Thanks for you help guys ..!
       And dont forget, my best friends in Al Nadlah : Rihanum, mazida , ulin ,pegy , i'im , and kiky . .
spirit and good luck guys . . .! 

Picture's in korea

This is all of participant of apywf

My picture when learn the traditional culture of korea. The name of that cloth is Hanbok

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Sejarah Pembukuan Hadits

               Pembukuan berbeda dengan penulisan. Seseorang yang menulis sebuah shahifah (lembaran) atau lebih disebut dengan penulisan. Sedangkan pembukuan adalah mengumpulkan lembaran-lembaran yang sudah tertulis dan yang dihafal, lalu menyusunnya sehingga menjadi sebuah buku.

Upaya untuk mengumpulkan dan membukukan hadits telah dilakukan pertama kali oleh Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Hal-hal yang mendorong untuk melakukan pengumpulan dan pembukuan adalah:

Tidak adanya larangan pembukuan, sedangkan Al-Qur’an telah dihafal oleh ribuan orang, dan telah dikumpulkan serta dibukukan pada masa Khalifah Utsman bin Affan. Dengan demikian dapat dibedakan dengan jelas antara Al-Qur’an dengan hadits.

Kekhawatiran akan hilangnya hadits karena ingatan kuat yang menjadi kelebihan orang Arab semakin melemah, sedangkan para ulama telah menyebar dibeberapa penjuru negeri Islam setelah terjadi perluasan kekuasaan negeri Islam.

Munculnya pemalsuan hadits akibat perselisihan politik dan madzhab setelah terjadinya fitnah, dan terpecahnya kaum muslimin menjadi pengikut Ali dan pengikut Mu’awiyah, serta Khawarij yang keluar dari keduanya. Masing-masing golongan berusaha memperkuat madzhab-nya dengan cara menafsirkan Al-Qur’an dengan makna yang bukan sebenarnya.

Akan tetapi, upaya pengumpulan ini belum menyeluruh dan sempurna karena Umar bin Abdul Aziz wafat sebelum Abu Bakar bin Hazm mengirimkan hasil pembukuan hadits kepadanya. Para ahli hadits memandang bahwa upaya Umar bin Abdul Aziz merupakan langkah awal dari pembukuan hadits. Mereka mengatakan, “Pembukuan hadits ini terjadi pada penghujung tahun ke 100 pada masa Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz atas perintahnya.”

Adapun upaya pembukuan yang sebenarnya dan menyeluruh dilakukan oleh Imam Muhammad bin Syihab Az-Zuhri yang menyambut seruan Umar bin Abdul Aziz dengan tulus yang didasari karena kecintaan pada hadits Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam dan keinginannya untuk melakukan pengumpulan.

Pembukuan hadits pada mulanya belum disusun secara sistematis dan tidak berdasarkan pada urutaan bab-bab pembahasan ilmu. Upaya pembukuan ini kemudian banyak dilakukan oleh ulama-ulama setelah Az-Zuhri dengan metode yang berbeda-beda. Kemudian para ulama hadits menyusunnya secara sistematis dengan menggunakan metode berdasarkan sanad dan berdasarkan bab.

Ibnu Hajar berkata, “Orang yang pertama melakukan demikian itu adalah Ar-Rabi’ bin Shubaih (wafat 16 H) dan Said bin Abi Arubah (wafat 156 H) hingga kepada para ulama thabaqah (lapisan) ketiga (dari kalangan tabi’in). Imam Malik menyusun Al-Muwatha’ di Madinah, Abdullah bin Juraij di Makkah, Al-Auza’I di Syam, Sufyan At-Tsauri di Kufah, Hamad bin Salamah bin Dinar di Basrah.”

Buku-buku yang ditulis pada masa itu dan kini sudah dicetak antara lain:

Al-Muwatha’ karya Imam Malik bin Anas
Al-Mushannaf karya Abdurrazaq bin Hammam Ash-Shan’ani
As-Sunan karya Said bin Mansur
Al-Mushannaf karya Abu Bakar bin Abu Syaibah

Karya-karya tersebut tidak hanya terbatas pada kumpulan hadits-hadits Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, akan tetapi bercampur antara hadits Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam, perkataan para sahabat, dan fatwa para tabi’in. Kemudian ulama pada periode berikutnya memisahkan pembukuan hanya pada hadits Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam saja.